5 Ways To Speak A Little More Easily With New Dentures

5 Ways To Speak A Little More Easily With New Dentures

Revive DentalDentures

Adjusting to life with dentures can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be hard. With practice and patience, you can learn how to speak clearly with your new dentures – and even enjoy the experience! This article explores five tips for speaking a little more easily with new dentures.


The most important thing to remember when speaking with new dentures is to stay relaxed. Dentures need time to adjust, so don’t feel pressure to speak perfectly right away. Relax your lips and jaw and take it slow – you’ll get the hang of it in no time.

1. Practice

Practice makes perfect, so take some time to practice speaking with your new dentures. Read aloud to yourself or have a conversation with someone who is supportive and understanding. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes – you can always try again later.

2. Take it Slow

When you’re first getting used to your new dentures, speaking slowly can help you enunciate words more clearly. Take breaks when necessary and focus on annunciating each word properly. This will help you get used to how your dentures feel in your mouth.

3. Avoid Chewing

Chewing while you’re speaking can lead to slurred words or mumbling. To avoid this, try not to chew food or gum while you’re speaking. It may take some time to adjust, but eventually it should become second nature.

Get Used to Dentures

It can take some time to get used to wearing dentures, but with practice and patience you’ll be able to talk more comfortably in no time. Here are a few tips for gradual adjustment:

1. Start With Short Conversations

Start off with short conversations that don’t require too much speaking at once. As your confidence grows, you can move on to longer conversations.

2. Use Dentures When Eating

When you’re eating, make sure to use your dentures. This will help you get used to how they feel in your mouth and help you get comfortable speaking with them in.

3. Rehearse

If you’re feeling nervous about speaking with dentures, try rehearsing what you want to say. This will help you practice the words and gain confidence before speaking in public.

Seek Professional Help

If you’re still having trouble speaking clearly with dentures after trying these tips, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Dentists and prosthodontists can provide advice and adjustments that may be necessary to ensure your dentures fit properly and you’re able to speak clearly.

With practice and patience, speaking with new dentures doesn’t have to be difficult. Relax, take it slow and get used to wearing them – with time, you’ll be speaking more comfortably in no time.


Q: How long does it take to adjust to dentures?

A: It can take up to six months for you to fully adjust to wearing dentures. Be patient and practice speaking with them as much as possible – eventually, they will begin to feel like a part of you.

Q: Do I need to see a dentist for help with speaking with dentures?

A: If you’re having trouble speaking clearly after trying the tips in this article, it may be beneficial to seek professional help from a dentist or prosthodontist. They can provide advice and adjustments that may be necessary to ensure your dentures fit properly and enable you to speak more easily.

Q: How can I make speaking with dentures easier?

A: Relax, take it slow and practice as much as possible. You may find it helpful to read aloud to yourself or have conversations with a supportive person who understands how you’re feeling. With time, you should start to feel more confident speaking with dentures.