teeth whitening aftercare tips

Professional Teeth Whitening AfterCare – How To Take Care Of Your Teeth After Whitening

Revive DentalTeeth Whitening Treatment

Did you get the brightest smile with the help of teeth whitening but don’t know how to maintain it? The results of teeth whitening depend on how you take care of your teeth. You can take certain measures to ensure you have long-lasting results. The following are a few teeth whitening aftercare tips for you.

Teeth Whitening Aftercare Tips

Avoid Coffee And Tea

Who doesn’t like to start off their day with a cup of coffee or tea? However, even a single cup of coffee is enough to stain your teeth. The enamel has tiny pores, which means when you drink coffee, the tannins in the brew seep into those pores and leave stains behind. All kinds of tea, such as black, green, and herbal tea, contain tannins that naturally stain your teeth and gums. Green tea leaves a dull gray stain. Black tea leaves yellowish stains and even herbal teas like chamomile and hibiscus cause stains and discoloration. If you cannot start your day without these drinks, consider brushing your teeth after drinking them. You can also opt for other options like drinking warm water or plain milk.

Avoid Dark Sauces

Although sauces are tasty, dark-colored sauces can stain your teeth easily. Sauces are good during meals as they add flavor and make your food more appealing. However, these sauces have a high acid content which causes the enamel to break down allowing stains to set in. The following are a few sauces you should avoid. 

  • Soy sauce
  • Red pasta sauce
  • Barbecue sauce
  • Tomato sauce
  • Curry
  • Balsamic vinegar

Instead of these, consider using white sauces in your meal, which won’t stain your teeth. A few foods are mentioned below 

  • White rice
  • White Sauce pasta
  • Eggs
  • Cauliflower
  • White cheese
  • Peeled potatoes

Avoid Dark Chocolate

Many people enjoy eating dark chocolates. However, dark chocolate has a significant impact on your whitened teeth. Dark chocolate is very similar to coffee, where dark chocolate includes tannins which are plant compounds that give dark chocolate a slightly bitter taste and dark color.

If you love chocolates and want to continue to maintain the results from your teeth whitening treatment make sure you consult your cosmetic dentist.

Avoid Acidic Foods

Foods and drinks that are high in acids wear away the enamel that protects your teeth, causing enamel erosion. This will expose the dentin, which is darker and yellower than the enamel. This will change the appearance of your teeth. It will not only make ruin your smile but will also make your teeth more susceptible to cavities or infection.

Therefore, consider avoiding foods like orange, lemon, or other citrus fruits. Their sour taste and acidic properties can weaken your enamel.

Avoid Sour Fruit Juice

Certain dark-colored fruits and berries like Blackberries, blueberries, pomegranates, grapes, beet, lemons, oranges, mandarin, lime, etc., contain dark pigmentation that can discolor your teeth. These tiny organic particles from the juice penetrate the pores of your tooth enamel and get attached. This also leads to higher porosity and lead persistent stains. Furthermore, fruit juice has sugar that the bacteria thrive upon, which leads to cavities and it also stains your teeth.

Use Straws To Avoid Staining

If you want to consume dark-colored drinks, you can drink them with the help of a straw. This way the liquid will not come in contact with your teeth.

Stop Smoking

If you are a smoker, consider quitting to ensure a bright smile for years to come. You cannot maintain white teeth by smoking. Smoking is a bad habit that can ruin your overall health.

The tar and nicotine in cigarettes or other tobacco products stain the teeth over time and can make your teeth yellow. Heavy smokers often develop brown teeth or permanent stains after years of smoking.

Use Whitening Toothpaste

If you want your teeth whitening results to last for a long, consider using teeth whitening toothpaste. You can also select the one that includes fluoride. However, it’s best to get consult a dentist to get the best recommendations. 

Brush Your Teeth Regularly

Very often the major cause of yellow teeth is a lack of proper oral hygiene. To maintain whiter teeth, you need to brush twice every day without fail for two minutes. This will help you achieve optimal oral health and ensure you have whiter teeth. 

If you are wondering how to take care of teeth after whitening, just follow the tips mentioned above to ensure your teeth stay bright for a long time. You can always consult the cosmetic dentist to get more information and to ensure you have a smile that stays for a long.