Dental Sealants Alvin

How Dental Sealants Work

Revive DentalGeneral Dentistry

A dental sealant is a thin plastic coating that is applied to the chewing surfaces of teeth. It helps protect against cavities by preventing bacteria from coming into contact with the tooth enamel. This can help reduce the risk of decay and keep teeth healthy for a lifetime. Dental sealants are typically used in children, but can also be beneficial for adults who are at higher risk of cavities due to lifestyle or diet.

What Are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are a thin plastic coating that is applied directly to the chewing surfaces of teeth to protect them from decay. The sealant is a clear or slightly tinted material that adheres to the tooth enamel and creates a barrier between food particles and the enamel, reducing the risk of cavities. Dental sealants can last up to 10 years with proper care and regular check-ups.

Benefits of Dental Sealants

Dental sealants provide a number of benefits. They can reduce the risk of tooth decay by protecting teeth from food particles and plaque that can cause cavities. Additionally, they can help make brushing easier as the sealant makes it difficult for bacteria to stick to teeth surfaces. Dental sealants are also an affordable way to protect teeth, as they can last up to 10 years with proper care.

Who Should Get Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are most commonly recommended for children between the ages of 6 and 14, as this is when cavities are most likely to develop. However, adults who are at high risk of cavities due to lifestyle or diet can also benefit from sealants. Dental sealants are typically covered by insurance, so it is important to check with your provider before getting them.

How Dental Sealants Are Applied

The application of dental sealants is a simple process that usually takes less than 20 minutes per tooth. Dental professionals will first clean and dry the tooth to ensure a good bond between the sealant and enamel. They then apply a thin layer of the sealant with a brush or swab, making sure to cover the grooves and depressions in the chewing surface of each tooth. Finally, they use a special light to harden the sealant, ensuring it adheres to the tooth.

  1. Dental Sealants and Dental Health

Dental sealants are an important part of dental health and can help reduce the risk of cavities in both children and adults. They provide a physical barrier that keeps bacteria from coming into contact with the enamel, making brushing easier and more effective. Dental sealants can also help make teeth cleaning more efficient, as they create an even surface across all teeth that is easier to brush and floss.

  1. Dental Sealants and Dental Exams

It is important to have regular dental check-ups when you have dental sealants. Dental professionals will look for signs of wear and tear on the sealants as well as check for cavities or any other dental issues. If they find any areas where the sealant has worn away, they can replace it to ensure that your teeth remain protected.

  1. Dental Sealants and Dental Hygiene

Dental sealants are not a substitute for good dental hygiene. Brushing twice a day and flossing every day are still important to maintaining oral health, even with sealants in place. Additionally, regular visits to the dentist are necessary to ensure that the sealants remain intact and effective at protecting teeth from decay.

  1. Dental Sealants and Other Dental Treatments

Dental sealants are often used in conjunction with other dental treatments. For example, if a cavity is found, the dentist may recommend filling it as well as applying a sealant to help protect the tooth from further decay. Additionally, fluoride treatments or varnishes can be used to further strengthen and protect teeth.

Dental sealants are a great way to reduce the risk of cavities for both children and adults. They provide an effective barrier between food particles and enamel, making brushing easier and more effective. Dental sealants can last up to 10 years with proper care, and they are usually covered by most insurance plans. Dental sealants are often used in conjunction with other treatments like fillings and fluoride to further protect teeth from decay.


Q: Are Dental Sealants Safe?

A: Yes, dental sealants are safe and do not contain any harmful chemicals or toxins. They are applied directly to the teeth and can last up to 10 years with proper care.

Q: How Long Do Dental Sealants Last?

A: Dental sealants typically last up to 10 years with proper oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups. Dental professionals may need to replace them if they become damaged or worn away.

Q: Who Can Get Dental Sealants?

A: Dental sealants are typically recommended for children, as they are most at risk of cavities. However, adults who are prone to the development of cavities due to lifestyle or diet can also benefit from sealants. It is important to check with your insurance plan to see if dental sealants are covered.